The Importance of The Onboarding Process for New Employees

The Importance of The Onboarding Process for New Employees

First impressions count. A popular phrase - one that rings true when we think about a candidate's onboarding experience.

The first day on the job can be a daunting experience. While one can be excited and exhilarated about entering a new world of opportunities, it can also feel like the first day at a new school. Lonely and filled with fear of the unknown.

Unfortunately, the hiring process can leave a new employee feeling like the new kid in the school. Too often, the onboarding process is overlooked and not given the importance and attention it deserves, leaving candidates in a sink-or-swim situation. In fact, according to studies, six out of ten managers in Australia find employees leave within the first couple of months due to poor onboarding practices.

However, the good news is that it is never too late to turn the tables in your favour by implementing an effective onboarding program.

In this article, we provide you with a few tried and tested strategies to deliver a successful and positive onboarding experience, leaving you with rave reviews!

Why is a good onboarding program important for new employees?

In a world of reviews, the professional realm is no exception. Word spreads like quick-fire – both the good and the bad. Hence, the more positive words that spread, the more likely you are to attract the industry’s top talent.

But remember, you are not creating a positive employee experience for the positive word of mouth. That is just the bonus. The primary importance of an onboarding process is to

·          make the new employee feel welcome,

·          show them support,

·          integrate into the team environment,

·          adjust to the new role,

·          improve productivity,

·          get up to speed with projects and the corporate culture,

·          gain autonomy and

·          stay.

According to Gallup, ‘70% of employees who had exceptional onboarding experiences say they have "the best possible job." These employees are also 2.6 times as likely to be extremely satisfied with their workplace -- and consequently, far more likely to stay.’

What is the benefit for you? Higher staff retention rates and lower rehiring costs.

Practical strategies for a successful and effective onboarding program

Creating a successful onboarding program in a legal firm requires careful planning and implementation. After all, you want to ensure that new hires integrate smoothly into the firm's culture and practices. Here are five practical strategies to help you achieve this:

  1. Customised Training Modules: Develop customised training modules that cover essential aspects of the firm's operations, including:

·          legal procedures,

·          client communication standards,

·          software tools commonly used, and

·          ethical guidelines.

Remember, every position has its own requirements. Therefore, you cannot create a single module. Tailor these modules to different roles within the firm, such as lawyers, paralegals, and administrative staff, to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

2.      Mentorship Program: Establish a mentorship program in which you pair each new hire with an experienced staff member who can provide guidance, support, and insights into the firm's practices. Mentors can help new employees navigate their roles, understand office dynamics, and integrate into the corporate culture more seamlessly.

  1. Clear Expectations and Goals: Clearly communicate expectations and goals to new hires from the outset. Provide them with a detailed job description, performance metrics, and benchmarks for success. Setting clear expectations helps new employees understand what is required of them. In turn, this enables them to focus their efforts effectively.

  2. Regular Check-ins and Feedback Sessions: Schedule regular check-ins and feedback sessions with new hires to

    • Assess their progress,

    • Address any challenges or concerns they may have, and

    • Provide constructive feedback.

These sessions provide an opportunity for open communication, foster a supportive environment, and ensure that new employees receive the guidance they need to succeed.

A good rule of thumb is for the employee to have a weekly one-on-one meeting with their direct manager. As the months go by and the employee is more settled into their role, you can reduce the frequency of these meetings to once a month.

5.      Integration Activities: Organise activities and social events to help new hires build connections with their colleagues and feel like they are part of the team. Activities could include team lunches, happy hours, or team-building exercises. Building strong relationships within the firm fosters collaboration, boosts morale, and enhances employee retention.


By implementing these strategies, legal teams can create a comprehensive onboarding program that equips new hires with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to thrive in their roles and contribute effectively to the firm's success.

To get you started, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations offers Onboarding Experience Resources which you can download.

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Angela Grant