5 tested Team-Building Activities Your Team Will Love

Angela grant and rebbecca stronf, day one recruitment

5 tested Team-Building Activities Your Team Will Love

Employee engagement is a top priority for managers in order to help keep in-house and remote employees engaged and build a collaborative workforce; this is where team-building activities come in. Apart from spicing things up and keeping staff motivated, team-building exercises bring people together and provide an opportunity 

  • for people to get to know one another, 

  • to build trust and camaraderie 

  • to bond, and, 

  •  remind people that work is not about one person but about a group of people – a team. 

After all, can you imagine an organisation in which nobody speaks to one another other than to ask odd work-related questions? No, we can’t either. 

So, to keep the employee retention numbers up and have a little fun along the way, it is time to consider introducing a few team-building exercises. To help you along, we have put together a quick list of a few activities you can get started with. Want the good news? You do not have to wait for Easter or Christmas to bring the team together!

Five fun employee team-building activities 

1. Host a tasty team lunch.

One of the easiest ways to bring people together is over food. Team lunches encourage casual conversations by providing an opportunity to take a midday break and let your hair down. If you have team members who work remotely, don’t forget to invite them along if they’re local. Alternatively, you could host a virtual team lunch - so everyone is included. 


2. Organise a fun day out.

Who says team-building exercises should only occur in the office or within office hours? Get the group together and organise a fun day out. Archery, bowling, an escape room, or a game of cricket – the list of activities is endless. 


3. A competitive scavenger hunt

Turn up the excitement and adrenaline with a scavenger hunt. The thrill and urgency to decode clues and uncover the answer will encourage collaboration, critical thinking, decision-making, and working as a team. To make it even more exciting, turn into a friendly competition with multiple teams and a prize for the winning team at the end! 


4. Team-building trivia

In-person or virtually, trivia is known for bringing people together. So, whether you choose to test corporate knowledge or opt for a casual pop culture topic, hosting trivia is an easy and effective way to create a team working environment.

5. Community service

What better way to bring people together than to give back to the community? Get the team together and prepare for bonding and ice-breaking by participating in an activity that aligns with your company values and does good for the community. 

These are just a handful of suggestions that will help you create a profitable company with an engaged, collaborative work environment. There are plenty more where these came from! 


Hire a true team player today. 

If you are currently seeking a team player - we can help. 

Call 07 3185 5157 and begin recruiting today. 

Angela Grant